Shinichi Suzuki

The Suzuki Experience

From one Suzuki parent to another

deliberate practice

Suzuki parenting as a form of deliberate practice

In part 3 of a series on deliberate practice, we look at the work of Suzuki parents as a form of deliberate practice and how thinking about it in this way can lead to more mindful high-quality practice sessions.

Alan Duncan

8 minutes read

In Part I of our series on deliberate practice, we introduced the concept. In Part II we began to apply the idea of mental representations as a key component of expert performance and one of the goals of deliberate practice.

Mental representations and deliberate practice

In part 2 of a series on deliberate practice, we dive into the heady concept of mental representations and how they affect practice.

Alan Duncan

8 minutes read

This is the second article in a series on deliberate practice. The first in the series dealt with the concept of deliberate practice as a general principle and today we’ll dive into mental representations as an essential component of deliberate practice.

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The Suzuki Experience is a weblog focused on helping parents practice more effectively and joyfully with their children. It traces the progress of our experience from beginner to budding young artist.