Shinichi Suzuki

The Suzuki Experience

From one Suzuki parent to another

As of late 2018, I write this weblog using a static blogging system called Hugo. Most common blogging systems, like Tumblr and Wordpress and the like, are dynamic blogging platforms. You write your content and it goes into their databases. When a reader wants to see your page, the content gets pulled out the database and a new webpage is built on-the-fly.^[Most of these platforms include some sort of predictive caching mechanism that holds some pages pre-built; but you get the point.] There is often a noticeable lag as the content is pulled out of the database. It is also a waste of compute cycles for content that is mostly static.

Anyway, I’ve used lots of static blogging systems like Octopress, Hackyll, and perhaps a few others. And I’m using Hexo for another project.

I use a moderately customized Nederburg theme. The editor that I use to write content is Atom which is a fine text editor. I write in Markdown then then Hugo parses it into HTML.

This weblog is served out of an S3 bucket on my Amazon Web Services account. After I write or edit content, Hugo bakes it down to the actual HTML and CSS files - something it does very quickly.^[Speed is the main reason I went with Hugo. Aside from, I write some larger blogs that took a long time to compile in Octopress.] When it’s time to upload to the S3 bucket, I use a custom deployment script that I wrote.

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The Suzuki Experience is a weblog focused on helping parents practice more effectively and joyfully with their children. It traces the progress of our experience from beginner to budding young artist.